Eucharistic adoration is our main apostolate and the reason for which our congregation was started. We foster the spirit of Eucharistic devotion in others through the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We prepared a book containing the Eucharistic prayers and songs to help the people for Eucharistic Adoration.
Our Founder exhorted us that each day every SABS should have an hour before the Blessed Sacrament praying for the salvation of all and paying reparation for the sins of the whole world. Today, Jai Rani Province has 3 perpetual adoration centres, Jammu Cathedral, Aradhana Bhavan Bhunga and Provincial House, Deep Nagar, where we offer continuous Eucharistic adoration, offering glory and praise to Jesus and interceding for the whole world. We help people to deepen their faith and to have God experience by encouraging them to participate in the Eucharistic adoration. The world today sees Eucharistic Adoration as the single solution for the increasing man-made terrorisms, natural disasters, and unknown diseases and also for the unending problems of poverty, consumerism, selfishness and violence.